

个人简介:陈宇顺,博士、教授、博士生导师、生命科学与健康学院院长,生物资源可持续利用与生态保护研究方向带头人,淡水与海洋生物与生态保护研究所所长。2009年在美国西弗吉尼亚大学获得河流生态学方向博士学位。在2024年底加入湖南科技大学之前,已在中国科学院水生生物研究所(中国科学院大学)工作10年(担任博士生导师、研究员、研究组长、野外研究站站长、中心副主任)、在美国学习和工作8年多(先后从事博士研究、博士后研究、担任助理教授、研究生导师、实验室负责人)。团队过去10年主要受国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中科院重点项目和前沿项目、中科院人才计划项目等资助,主要研究气候变化和人类活动干扰下长江流域水生态系统健康评估、修复和鱼类等水生生物资源养护、南水北调东线工程的水生态环境效应和水质安全保障研究、全球大河流域(长江-密西西比河流域)水生生物资源与环境比较生态学研究。在美国渔业学会(American Fisheries Society)等国际学术组织和团体担任学术职务,作为长江-密西西比河流域长期研究网络和国际研讨会系列(MYRIBS)的主要联络人。先后入选中国科学院、生态环境部、农业农村部人才计划当选2024年美国渔业学会会士(AFS Fellow),已发表学术论文110余篇,指导博士和硕士研究生20余名。

电话:0731- 58291610


Biography: Yushun Chen, Ph.D., Professor, Advisor for Ph.D. and Master students, Dean of School of Life and Health Sciences, Chief Scientist of Sustainable Use of Biological Resources and Ecological Conservation, Director of Institute of Freshwater and Marine Biology and Conservation. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. from West Virginia University, with dissertation focus on stream ecology. Before he joined the current position in late 2024, Dr. Chen worked in Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) for 10 years (served as Ph.D. dissertation advisor, professor, group leader, field station director, and research center deputy director), and studied and worked in the United States for over 8 years (served as Ph.D. student, post-doctoral scientist, assistant professor, and group leader). In the past 10 years, Dr. Chen and his research team received funds from National Key R &D Program of China, China National Natural Science Foundation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and others, and conducted research on aquatic ecosystem health assessment, restoration, and fishery resources conservation in the Yangtze River basin under climate change and human stressors, aquatic ecosystem responses and water quality security in Chinas Eastern Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion, and aquatic resources and environment in global large rivers (e.g., the Yangtze, Mississippi Rivers). He is active in American Fisheries Society and promotes international collaborations through the Mississippi-Yangtze River Basins Symposium (MYRIBS) series and research network. Dr. Chen received research awards and honors from Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and elected as the 2024 Fellow of American Fisheries Society. Dr. Chen has published over 110 peer-reviewed articles and served as major professor for over 20 Ph.D. and Master students.

Office: 86-0731-58291610

Email: yushunchen@hnust.edu.cn

















American Fisheries Society Distinguished Service Award(2017)



美国渔业学会会士 American Fisheries Society Fellow(2024)


Li#, Z., Xie#, H., Peng#, Z., Heino, J., Ma, Y., Xiong, F., Gao, W., Xin, W., Kong, C., Li, L., Fang, L., Wang, H., Feng, G., Wang, B.*, Jin, X.*, Chen, Y.*. 2024. Hydrology and water quality drive multiple biological indicators in a dam-modified large river. Water Research X 25, 100251.

Skoog, M.L., Eggleton, M.A.*, Chen, Y.*. 2024. Water quality, habitat, and fish assemblage relationships in middleorder agriculture and forest streams of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Ecological Processes 13, 16.

Yang, B., Qu, X., Liu, H., Yang, M., Xin, W., Wang, W., Chen, Y.*. 2024. Urbanization reduces fish taxonomic and functional diversity while increases phylogenetic diversity in subtropical rivers. Science of Total Environment 908, 168178.

Gao, W., Xiong, F., Lu, Y., Xin, W., Wang, H., Feng, G., Kong, C., Fang, L., Gao, X., Chen, Y.*. 2024. Water quality and habitat drive phytoplankton taxonomic and functional group patterns in the Yangtze River. Ecological Processes 13, 11

Liu, H., Brosse, S., Qu, X., Xia, W., Li, X., Chen, Y.*. 2023. Land use outweighs other stressors in declining fish biodiversity in lakes of Eastern China during the 1980s-2010s. Ecological Indicators 152, 110390.

Gao, W., Xiong, F., Lu, Y., Qu, X., Xin, W., Chen, Y.*. 2023. Development of a phytoplanktonbased index of biotic integrity for ecological health assessment in the Yangtze River. Ecological Processes 12, 41.

Qu, X., Olden, J.D., Xia, W., Liu, H., Xie, Z., Hughes, R.M., Chen, Y.*. 2023. Hydrology and water quality shape macroinvertebrate patterns and facilitate non-native species dispersals in an inter-basin water transfer system. Journal of Environmental Management 329, 117111.

Xiong, F., Infante, D.M., Olden, J.D., Gao, W., Wang, L., Chen, Y.*. 2023. River–lake connectivity, wetland, and human stress factors shape fish diversity (alpha and beta) patterns in the middle and lower Yangtze River, China. Landscape Ecology 38, 3809-3824.

Liu, H., Qu, X., Xia, W., Chen, Y.*. 2023. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity patterns reveal different processes shaping river fish assemblages in the Eastern Huai River Basin, China. Water Biology and Security 2, 100078.

Wang*, B, Chen, Y.*, Qu, X., Kraft, C. 2023. Effects of thiamine and its precursor HMP on growth of periphyton in a mountain stream of the Yangtze River Basin, China. Freshwater Biology 68(4), 689-697.

Cooke, S.J., Piczak, M.L., Nyboer, E.A., Michalski, F., Bennett, A., Koning, A.A., Hughes, K.A., Chen, Y., Wu, J., Cowx, I.G., Koehnken, L., Raghavan, R., …, Taylor, W.W. 2023. Managing exploitation of freshwater species and aggregates to protect and restore freshwater biodiversity. Environmental Reviews dx.doi.org/10.1139/er-2022-0118.

Xia, W., Zhu, B., Zhuang, S., Liu, H., Qu, X., Liu, Y., Rudstam, L.G., Anderson, J.T., Ni, L., Chen, Y.*. 2022. Climate, hydrology, and human disturbance drive long-term (1988-2018) macrophyte patterns in water diversion lakes. Journal of Environmental Management 319, 115726.

Liu, H., Qu, X., Xia, W., Chen, Y.*. 2022. Taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity patterns reveal different processes shaping river fish assemblages in the Eastern Huai River Basin, China. Water Biology and Security 100078.

Xiong, F., Chen, Y. *, Zhang, S., Xu, Y., Lu, Y., Qu, X., Gao, W., Wu, X., Xin, W., Gang, D.D., Lin, L.-S. 2022. Land use, hydrology, and climate influence water quality of China’s largest river. Journal of Environmental Management 318, 115581.

Liu, H., Chen, Y.*, Gozlan, R.E., Qu, X., Xia, W., Cheng, F., Wang, L., Paukert, C.P. , Olden, J.D., Xie, S. 2022. Fish diversity reduction and assemblage structure homogenization in lakes: a case study on unselective fishing in China. Water Biology and Security 100055.

Wang, R., Xia, W., Eggleton, M. A., Qu, X., Liu, H., Xin, W., Wu, X., Chen, Y.*. 2022. Spatial and temporal patterns of heavy metals and potential human impacts in Central Yangtze lakes, China. Science of the Total Environment 820, 153368.

Xiong, F., Olden, J.D., Lu, Y., Liu, H., Qu, X., Xia, W., Guo, C., Wu, X., Infante, D.M., Wang, L., Chen,* Y. 2021. Riparian land use and in-channel stressors drive fish community structure in the Yangtze River. Landscape Ecology 36: 3079-3095.

Cooke*, S.J., Twardek, W.M., Lynch, A.J., Cowx, I.G., Olden, J.D., Funge-Smith, S., Lorenzen, K., Arlinghaus, R., Chen, Y., Weyl, O.L.F., Nyboer, E.A., Pompeu, P.S., Carlson, S.M., Koehn, J.D., Pinder, A.C., Raghavan, R., Phang, S., Koning, A.A., Taylor, W.W., Bartley, D., Britton, J.R. 2021. A global perspective on the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on freshwater fish biodiversity. Biological Conservation 253:108932.

Liu, H., Guo, C., Qu, X., Xiong, F., Paukert, C.P., Chen*, Y., Su*, W. 2021. Fish diversity, endemism, threats, and conservation in the Jinsha River Basin (Upper Yangtze River), China. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 41:967-984.

Qu, X., Chen*, Y., Liu, H., Xia, W., Lu, Y., Gang, D.-D., Lin, L.-S. 2020. A holistic assessment of water quality condition and spatiotemporal patterns in impounded lakes along the eastern route of China’s South-to-North water diversion project. Water Research 185: 116275. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116275.

Guo, C., Chen*, Y., Gozlan, R.E., Liu, H., Lu, Y., Qu, X., Xia, W., Xiong, F., Xie, S., Wang, L. 2020. Patterns of fish communities and water quality in impounded lakes of China's south-to-north water diversion project. Science of the Total Environment 713: 136515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136515

Xia, W., Zhu, B., Qu, X., Liu, H., Liu, Y., Chen, X., Rudstam, L.G., Ni, L., Chen,* Y. 2020. Effects of salinity on sprouting and growth of three submerged macrophytes. Ecohydrology 13(7) e2235.

Guo, C., Chen*, Y., Xia, W., Qu, X., Yuan, H., Xie, S., Lin, L.-S. 2020. Eutrophication and heavy metal pollution patterns in the water suppling lakes of China’s south-to-north water diversion project. Science of the Total Environment 711: 134543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134543

Chen*, Y., Qu, X., Xiong, F., Lu, Y., Wang, L., Hughes, R.M. 2020. Challenges to saving China’s freshwater biodiversity: fishery exploitation and landscape pressures. Ambio 49: 926-938.

Zhang*, H., Tang, W., Chen, Y., Yin, W. 2020. Disinfection threatens aquatic ecosystems. Science 368 (6487): 146-147.